Vienna Winery With Schrammelmusik

by Karla

Vienna Winery


Vienna Winery

I will travel to Vienna in early October, so the winery info in your recentVIENNA NOTES newsletter was very useful, thanks.

My sister, who lived in the area in the 1960s, wants to visit a Heuriger that offers real Schrammelmusik…hopefully not modernized and not touristy. Do you know a place?


Dear Karla,

There are still a few rather unspoilt local Vienna wineries around. Those which offer traditional live music are usually most popular with tourists, though. You will therefore have to expect some tourists at those locations. They are all based in Grinzing, Heiligenstadt and Nussdorf. (The more traditional wineries in Northern Stammersdorf and Jedlersdorf tend not to offer Schrammelmusik.)

Having said that, Heuriger Werner Welser in Heiligenstadt offers live Schrammelmusik and has a reputation of not being too touristy. Most of the times, the music is played by an accordion and a contra guitar. It is open every day from 4.30pm.

Another Heuriger which has so far evaded mass tourism and offers traditional Schrammelmusik is Heuriger Maly in Grinzing. There is usually an accordion and either a violin, contra bass, or clarinet playing. It is open in October from 4pm to midnight.

I hope this helps. Enjoy your stay!
